Case Study

How emnify cut their time to hire in half & overhauled candidate experience with the help of Metaview

Tech stack
Berlin, Germany
Company size
-45 to +1
Improvement in candidate NPS score since bringing in Metaview.
60 to 31.5
Decrease in interviews per hire after rolling out Metaview.
Amount of time recruiters are saving per week, on average with Metaview.
As emnify was going through a period of rapid scaling, they faced challenges in hiring high-performing talent while having a low-maturity hiring culture. There was no interview training for the business and decisions were often affected by pedigree recruiting and bias. The team was also struggling to keep up with the volume of interviews that were happening each week.

When Matthias Schmeisser, Global Senior Director of Talent Acquisition & Employer Branding, joined the team, it was clear emnify needed an Interview Intelligence solution to help with these challenges. The goal was to ensure evidence-based decision-making. emnify needed to understand what was happening in interviews to gain insight into the quality of their talent pipeline, remove biases, and give better feedback to enhance the candidate experience. emnify also wanted reduce the administrative workload of the talent acquisition team who were spending lots of hours submitting scorecards.

The Metaview solution

After evaluating different solutions, Matthias and the team decided to move forward with Metaview because of its ease of use and data quality. emnify first rolled out Metaview across the talent acquisition team. By bringing in Metaview’s AI to record, transcribe, and summarize screening calls, the TA team was able to capture every detail from interviews perfectly and give hiring managers accurate, comprehensive candidate assessments. Metaview also helped to create a better experience for candidates since recruiters could now focus 100% on the conversation in the moment. 

Matthias and the team were also impressed by Metaview’s AI-powered features:
I’ve fallen in love with features like Candidate Comparison which allows me to compare candidates based on our interview structure, and also with having an AI assistant that deep dives on the scorecard. It's just next level.
Matthias Schmeisser · Global Senior Director of TA & Employer Branding

Unlocking the value of Metaview across the org

After proving the value within the TA team, Matthias advocated expanding Metaview to interviewers and hiring managers throughout the organization. At a scale-up in growth mode, everyone is super busy and doesn’t always have the time to properly prepare for an interview before they walk in, and then they get to the end of the day and can’t remember what was said in any of those interviews. This is where Metaview had the opportunity to come in and be of real help.

Metaview’s ability to help de-risk hiring decisions made functional leaders excited to come on board. With full visibility into down-stream interviews on Metaview, the TA team was also better able to prepare candidates for what to expect and to coach hiring managers on how to ask the right questions.
Interviewers and hiring managers now love the tool too. Matthias says he often hears from colleagues that when Metaview isn’t on the call, they almost don’t want to interview because the process of writing up assessments and referring back to what the candidate said becomes so much more painful. Here’s some of what the emnify team has to say:
I love that I can focus on the conversation instead of typing. I don't have to worry about missing any details.

If I have doubts about what was said, I can easily revisit that point in time and relive the discussion. I can always ask questions to the AI assistant to keep my biases in check.
Valeria Stanga · Senior Talent Partner
Metaview gives me confidence and an added layer of security during interviews.
Enver Berisha · VP Sales EMEA

The results: Major uplift in hiring efficiency, candidate experience, and quality-of-hire

Matthias started emnify’s journey to become a more data-driven TA function by introducing KPIs and SLAs to measure experiences across onboarding, candidates, hiring managers, and recruiters. He did this by looking at lagging and leading indicators and analyzing qualitative and quantitative data. 

Metaview played a huge part in that journey to not only give more insights about assessment data but also to influence efficiency data points and their connection to quality-of-hire moving forward. The results so far are very promising.
Noticeable uptick in candidate experience
Over the last 12 months, emnify’s NPS score for candidate experience went from -45 to +1.

Increase in interviewing efficiency
Average interviews per hire went from 60 to 31.5 per year.

Huge time savings
For Matthias personally, the average time spent writing candidate assessments went from 45 minutes per interview to just 15, freeing up 10+ hours per week. 85% of the business is using Metaview and benefitting from the time save.

Increased quality-of-hire
Hiring decisions are now less about “gut feel” and more evidence-based, which has helped to increase quality-of-hire to a score of 80 out of 100.
Metaview has helped to establish a culture of learning in emnify’s hiring process, which is continuously maturing. Matthias and team plan to continue to leverage Metaview to level up the hiring culture at emnify and build a world-class team.
I wouldn’t want to lose Metaview. I think my team is completely hooked.
Matthias Schmeisser · Global Senior Director of TA
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